Investment Officer
Podcasts from Investment Officer on everything professional investors in the Benelux need to know, including portfolio construction, asset allocation, ESG, asset classes, investment, opinion makers, industry trends and laws and regulations.
Investment Officer
Jacqueline van den Ende van Carbon Equity: 'Als je te idealistisch bent, raak je mensen kwijt’
Investment Officer
Het Nederlandse Carbon Equity staat klaar om ook op de Belgische markt kapitaal op te halen om te investeren in klimaattechnologie. CEO en oprichtster Jacqueline van den Ende in gesprek van Sven Vonck van Investment Officer over haar ondernemerspad, opgroeien in een Shell-gezin en hoe ze in Nederland een grotere cultuurschok ervaarde dan in Syrië.
Investment Officer is an editorially independent media platform in the Benelux countries providing industry news and insights to investment professionals working for asset owners, asset managers and asset servicing companies.
The Netherlands: http://www.investmentofficer.nl
Belgium: http://www.investmentofficer.be
Luxembourg: http://www.investmentofficer.lu